Monday, July 30, 2007

28th July 2007

The Milton Abbas 18th Century Street Fair is held biennially so we went along this year as the weather forecast was good for a change and guess what - the sun shone until it was all over and then it poured again!! What a lovely day out and everyone was so happy and cheerful to have some sun - we all, total strangers, chatted to each other and a jolly good time was had by all. The climb up the hill to the car park on Hoggen Down was a bit of a killer but the second time I caught the Milton Abbey school bus - Mike of course walked up both times but then he hadn't had two slices of cake from the church stall .... one slice was actually his but I couldn't be bothered to carry it up the hill.

Each of the cottages held 4 families, 2 up, 2 down. One of the ground floor living rooms of one of the cottages is now open for viewing - and we met the gentleman who lives in the other side - 93 and the only one to come back from the war in France.

These photos are on the under Events.

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