Tuesday, November 01, 2011


Have a look on www.ninaemm.blogspot.com and www.bridgehoole.blogspot.com for the cutish Hallowe'en outfits let alone the little people in them (well we are are biased as the grandparents!). We just can't match those pictures and won't even try - too busy oohing and aahing!!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Harrison's First Birthday

It must be autumn and, in spite of the mild weather (or probably because of it), the tum bugs, eye infections, colds, chesty coughs - and even sciatica! - have grabbed us all! Time to do some October catching up and a certain birthday was very important!
Wow Mama - can that really be all mine?!

and Nina and Darran try to hold onto a trio of singing cousins!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Exiting Wales September 2011

We went to Rhayader this time via Gloucester, Ledbury, Hereford: how to avoid a £5.60 toll but we saw some lovely countryside - the road from Ledbury to Hereford was lined with apple orchards and hop vines and smelled divine! This is our free exit. I do love the design of this bridge.

Brecon September 2011

We left the Cambrians and dropped down for a night to Brecon on the edge of the Beacons.

This is the canal basin of the Monmouthshire & Brecon Canal at the back of our very nice b&b. I thought I might take a stroll along the length of the canal to walk off the full Welsh breakfast but decided to leave it till another time and strolled along the riverbank of the Usk instead.

Glad I changed my mind - I found out the canal is 35 miles long!

A close-up of those cottages beside the canal: Click on the photo to get the full effect of those flowers. They were being watered when we walked along the path and the man doing this was planning his winter display!
Brecon has military connections - we found that the Ghurkas are on the edge of town.

A fortnight or so ago Mike watched for the umpteenth time "Zulu" - I was then googling for attractions of Brecon and found that the history of this campaign is in the South Wales Borderers Museum - in Brecon! We actually spent 2 hours in the museum - totally engrossed.

I can only think that the Roman Fort at Y Gaer just outside the town is still occupied - and on a bus route (see below) ....

Llandrindod Wells September 2011

Llandrindod Wells is a lovely Victorian spa town and has an annual Victorian Festival hence this window display. And Mike's mum had a cot just like that!

We tasted the spa waters - ever sucked a 2p piece? Try it. Nice - no? Nor were the Llandrindod waters!

Hey! We've found where Nessie goes for her summer hols!

... and Mike finds a friendly Llandoddie to read him a story!

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Early April 2006 Claerwen Dam, Elan Valley: the snows had melted filling the reservoirs of the dams which overflowed: the noise of the falling water with a drop of 56 metres/183 feet was deafening: there's Mike having a closer look and then not being able to hear anything else the rest of the day! We then drove across the top (ugh!) and ate the home made carrot cake we bought in Rhayader to recover whilst we watched a silly sheep on the edge of the reservoir and hoped it didn't fall in because no-one was going to rescue it! Oh fond memories!!

And in Sep 2011 we find what the dam structure is like because the levels are so low that the water barely comes halfway up the other side of the dam - that maroon blob is Mike! Housemartins and swallows were diving through the arches chasing insects. (We both opted out of crossing the top this time!)

Friday, August 26, 2011

August Babes - oops - and Big Girl

Sophie aged 5 months

The Intrepid Explorer aged 10 months contemplates just how much of this Forest heath he is going to manage to crawl in one afternoon!

Lesson 1 - don't try to film a kite on a windy day - where IS the blessed thing?!

Ellie is the expert kite flyer - watch out Daddy!

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Friday, June 24, 2011

Saturday 4th June 2011

On a very warm June day we took a picnic to Mottisfont Abbey in Hampshire, a National Trust property and home to The National Collection of OldFashioned Roses. This border was just inside the start of the walled gardens.

Within the 3 walled gardens were so many many varieties of roses plus lavenders, salvias, paeonias, philadelphus, sedums, foxtail lilies, crambe cordifolia etc etc: the scent was amazing and the beds and borders so lovely!

A lawned area within the wall: we had to exit in the end because the mix of heat and perfumes was overpowering Mike: he recovered over a New Forest icecream!

A natural spring rises out of the ground at "The Font" in the Abbey Grounds and the crystal clear water travels down a gravel bed through a shaded woodland area, eventually joining the River Test. And that water was so beautifully cold - first fingers, then hands and then a toe or two were dipped in!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Sunday 19th June 2011

B and D's birthdays and Mike and Roger's Father's Day - the card shops were doing well!!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Friday 10 June 2011

A happy Mummy with Sophie aged 11 weeks: now doing an owl impersonation by looking around at EVERYTHING only to find her neck does not go right round!

Sunday, June 05, 2011

Sunday 29th May 2011

Farmer Richard, his buxom wife Grandad, his little girl Ellie and his little son Nina all put on their best clothes for a family day at Honeybrook Farm near Wimborne www.honeybrook.org!
Harrison aged 7 1/2 months ready for the journey home after his farm day!

Sophie aged 8 weeks enjoying the sounds at the farm

Sunday 24th April 2011 - Easter Day

Ellie aged 3 1/2yrs hunts for eggs, rabbits and chickens with Daddy - they're everywhere!
... whilst Harrison aged 6 months watches with Grandad ...

.. and Sophie aged 4 weeks sits serenely - until next year!

Saturday 2nd April 2011

Sophie Louise aged 1 week meets her cousins Ellie aged almost 3 1/2 years and Harrison aged 5 1/2 months.

Saturday, June 04, 2011



At last we can actually access the blog since our last posting in March!

So hopefully here we go again ..... fingers crossed ......

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What's Blogger up to?

Blogger update problems have prevented us accessing this blog!
If you are having similar problems and are only offered Googlemail to start a new blog, then click on "Cannot access your account" or some message similar: then enter the details and a verification code should be sent to your e-mail or mobile: then you can enter a "new" password.
However we are having to do this EVERY time we want to use the blog so we think Blogger are hoping we will start a new Googlemail one - which we well might.
Also when you get in have a look at the help forum and find all the other people who are having the same problem!
Watch this space!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

February 2011

Ooh she's taking our photo!

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What's over there?

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The alpaca herd aka Ellie's "camels": the day after this photo was taken there was an unexpected birth!
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13 February 2011

On the left Amaryllis 2007: same bulb 2011 - it's taken that long to flower again!
(The decor hasn't changed much)!

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4th February 2011

A dogsitting walk in the Forest with Ceira and Molly, pretty bleak in February but invigorating (for the dogs anyway!)
The lone tree on the horizon can be seen from our garage door, 8 miles away.
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Saturday, February 05, 2011

28th January 2011

Birthdays aren't so painful when there are such nice people around you!

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