Friday, November 21, 2008

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Sunday 12th October 2008

Sunday 12th October was our Ruby Wedding Anniversary and this photo is captured from the camcorder film: the delicious cakes that Ellie's mum made for the party our children held for us in our garden (boy, did those weeds fly out in the previous week!) There were a few worries when we woke up to thick fog but the sun broke through by lunchtime and ended up being so warm that GOW had to sneak indoors and put her sandals on! They worked so hard for the party so thank you so much B and D and R and N.
A pair of gorgeous guests - Ellie's cousins, Daniella and Isabella (not necessarily in that order!), aged exactly 1 year and 1 day with mum Julie on left and Auntie Rachel on right.
And another star guest - Auntie Nellie aged 87, meeting her great great nieces above for the first time!