Saturday, December 29, 2007

Christmas 2007

Granny and Grandad prepare for Christmas (told you you'd see them again, Joan)!!
Father Christmas has called as Elliott is here with us - it's quite a few years since he stopped at this chimney and there's never been a baby within living memory at this house.
The star of the day herself, aged 5 weeks 4 days, length 56 cms.
Nina and Brigit discuss how much Elliott has grown.
Darran manfully ploughing through a selection of nibbles ... time for a refill of chocolate, nuts and raisins by the look of things.
Daddy, Mummy and Leela crash out!
And another beauty - Amaryllis Red Lion - 2 flowers and another to come.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

November 2007

And definitely not forgetting her very proud and happy (albeit slightly tired) Mum and Dad - that's their wedding photo from 2004 in the background with Elliott's Cousin Clara as bridesmaid.
And Aunty Brigit ....

And Granny, chuffed to bits!
Here's proud Grandad with Elliott aged 2 days.

And moving on from the last posting, obviously not down to the doughnuts because here is the happy result! Welcome to the world our granddaughter, Elliott Anna, born at East Surrey Hospital on Friday 16th November, 2.30pm, weighing 7lbs 11 ozs.